Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Clockwork Orange

"Violence makes violence"

Violence will always just relate into more violence. For example Bin Laden crashed a plane into the twin towers, resulting in the US to go into a war that has lasted over a decade. If someone does an act of violence to another person there will be an equal or opposite reaction. Violence will never end when people frequently go by the saying of an eye for an eye will leave the world blind. I can personally connect to this because when I was at work minding my buisiness two kids came up to me and punched me, I retaliated and punched one of the assailents resulting in more violence and resulting me getting fired at my job. This will never give a positive reaction, people will never lose the violent side when people see murderers and rapists get off with a couple years and see bank robbers serve life sentances. This makes people think that the justice system is wishy washy. It's a vicsious cycle, after the Canucks lost Game 7 in the Stanley Cup the beautiful city of Vancouver was rampaged in, the people up roared and looted and faught, this resulted in millions of dollars in damage and more importantly the injured people. While the people were rioting the police force came and afflicted more violence on the rioters supporting my quote "Violence makes violence" is it really worth being that person who is known as violent? People just need to see that it's not worth inflicting pain on a fellow human being.