Friday, January 6, 2012

Why you should work hard.

In older aged people the number one thing I always hear when the topic of "what do you want to be when your out of school?" is make sure you think long and hard about what your going to do for the rest of your life, because if you choose something that does not suit you your not gunna ever be happy with your occupation. I think it is important to persue and work hard for the job you know you will enjoy and want, because if you don't succeed and get that job you wont feel like your complete in your life. Honestly a job is something I don't wanna come to where I hate what I'm doing hate the hours, hate my boss the list goes on. It just takes a bit more effort to get that job you have been wanting your whole life, the best job is when you arrive to work and are actually excited to be there, excited to do what you went to school for, excited for the rest of your life! It's very important to be passionate about your job, it will make your efforts there 100000 times better, which will result in many bonuses such as a raise, a premotion, or even meet the love of your life there. If your passionate towards your job it will change your whole attitude towards life and other people for that matter. People all the time tell me all the time to make sure I know what I want to get into before I waste 8 years and 50,000 dollars in post secondary institutions, so in my mind I think you should be passionate about what you want to do so you don't waste your own time!

In my adventures after high school I would like to focus on becoming an RN(registered nurse) it's always been on my mind since grade 10 after my cousin got into it. She always talked about how much she enjoys going to school for it, how enjoyable the people to work with! I'm a social person and RN requires you to interact with the patients which would be exciting always meeting new people and hearing different interesting stories etc. To get to be an RN I need to go to school for 4 years and get pretty much straight A's in my sciences and English of course. To get this career under my belt I need to work extremely hard, and 110% to my potential. But I know with hard work and effort I will make it!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Ten things I hate about you against Taming of the Shrew

In the movie "Ten things I hate about you" it captures the main focus in the play "Taming of the Shrew." The characters are basically the same in most ways, Patrick playing as Petruchio who is also quite a shrew is portrayed as a bad boy,criminal,statistic not nice what so ever. Patrick is drawn into persuing Katherine "Kat" by Joey who offers him money to date Kat so Joey can date her younger sister Bianca. Throughout the movie "Ten things I hate about you" Patrick goes through a significant change in his morals because at first he was just about getting the money and ditching Kat, to start being interested in her. For example in the movie, Patrick grabs the intercom while Kat is at soccer practice and sings to her before he got to know Kat he would have never attempted a stunt like that to show a girl he cares for her. In the play "Taming of the Shrew" Petruchio is acting like a class-A jerk to Kate when they first meet but inside he really is starting to fall in love with her to show he was acting like a jerk the play concludes "Petruchio is coming in a new hat and on old jerkin, a pair of old breaches thrice turned a pair of boots that have been candle cases one buckled, another laced." this is an outrage to Baptista but its helping tame Kate for Petruchio. And near the end of the play Petruchio himself is being tamed in a way, because he was acting all lovey dovey at the end instead of avoiding her contact completely for example "There thats my girl! Come on and kiss me, Kate." after Katherina's elongated speach about how a wife should act towards her husband. Good luck Aaron.