Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Public displays of Disaffection

The three strongest point in this article are that, people are losing the ability to have a one on one conversation as the article suggests “We’re losing our one-on-one people skills and ability to engage in uninterrupted, focused conversations.” this has become a problem because kids are looking more towards the non-intellectual route, and find using gadgets much easier than talking in person. Cell phones have become a nessecity in todays society as indicated “It’s an addiction,” she says, one that puts “personal and business relationships, both of which rely on making others feel valued, at risk.” people have been ruining relationships by social media, always checking their phones and puting the phones needs ahead of their own. People are starting to get frustrated with the cell phone rudness saying "no cell phones" like the " no smoking" campaign for example "Last month, Washington culinary mecca Rogue 24 made headlines when it asked diners to sign a contract prohibiting the use of phones and cameras during meals." this is because it is abrupt and people can't even enjoy a simple meal without using cell phone, or related devices. I agree with these points because people these days have become much too addicted with technology! Even if it risks our lives people take the few seconds that could save their lives to look at the text they have just recieved, for what to see that their friend just ate some bacon? Times a cell phone would be acceptable is when you absoloutley need to. For example car crash, someone has been injured, or when you are lost. I think that schools should ban cell phones absoloutley just so kids can be more social, and pay attention better. If they were banned in school kids would for sure get better marks "Students who have stopped using their cell phone in class reported, on average, a 10% increase in their grade point average." Also resturants and other public establishments should ban cell phones for a less abrupt time for other bystanders. Jamming cell phones outside of these establishments are not nessicary because people use cell phones to communicate for work related issues etc.

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